First Session Free You first session is always free. This is so that we can explain how our service works and you can decide if we sounds like the right place for you. This can be in person or via zoom etc.
Accessible Support available Our goal is to enable everyone who approaches us to get into support. If the Full Rates are out of your budget, we can discuss our other options at your 1st session.
Support Groups The Subsidised rate for Support Groups is by Koha only per session. Discuss this at your 1st session.
1 to 1 Counselling and/or Therapy Full rate: 1 to 1 counselling and therapy.
All 1 to 1 clinical services: $150 incl. GST
1 to 1 Intervention Support 1 to 1 sessions with a Trauma Intervention specialist: $70 incl. GST.
Koha is welcome +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Subsidised low income rate We have a number of funded spaces to see a team member, with no minimum Koha. This can be discussed at your initial free assessment session.
Community Services Card If you are on a low income, WINZ have a subsidy called Disability Allowance which is available to persons on low income. You don't have to have a community services card to apply for this allowance.
This community rate is $70 incl. GST per session.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer Appointments cancelled before 24 hours, no charge
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours may be charged 50%
Appointments missed and not cancelled within 24 hours in advance may be charged at 100% of the booked rate.
Invoices not settled within 90 days of the date of invoice may be referred to debt collection services. All collection costs will be added to the final amount owing.