Sexual Harm can be all kind of things. The main point is if this behaviour is causing harm to another, or yourself. However you may not realise what exactly is harmful.
It can be:
Sexual assault; sexual contact of any kind where the other does not consent
Forcing another to penetrate you
Forcing another to watch sexual acts or pornography
Any use of Child pornography
Sexually contacting another when they are asleep, drugged, wasted, unconsicous or scared
Any sexual contact with a child (under 16 years) even if they seem to consent
Discussing sexual acts graphically where a child can hear you
If you are concerned that you or another person are affected by Sexually Harmful behaviour you can talk with us in complete confidence.
Are all abusers Male? Anyone of any gender can abuse others.
Are Females the only victims? Any person of any gender can be abused.
How we can Help We can help you by discussing this in complete confidence. We can do this by phone, email, txt, FB chat, Zoom/WhatsApp or in person, whichever works best for you.
What could be happening to me? You may be:
Concerned that another is going to harm you, or is currently harming you.
Thinking of harming others
Currently harming another and wanting to stop/desist but not sure how
Having harmed another in the past and wanting to make sense of it
Using child pornography
Aware that some abuse is taking place between some other people but not sure what to do about it
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