1 in 6 Our research shows that at least 1 in 6 Kiwi males experience sexual abuse. Many, by the time they turn 18.
Most people are amazed at this statistic. The truth is, it's a minimum benchmark. It's the least we know to be true. Since the majority of Kiwi males never talk about the sexual abuse they have suffered. The actual statistic could be much higher.
What 1 in 6 looks like So what does 1 in 6 look like where you live? We'll show you what it looks like where we live in Wellington.
1 in 6 Kiwi males experiencing sexual abuse equates to 300,000 guys nationally.
If only 10% of that 300,000 live in Wellington, that's 30,000 guys.
If only 10% of those 30,000 guys in Wellington have been severely traumatised by their experience of sexual abuse, that's 3,000 guys.
That's potentially a minimum of 3,000 Wellington guys walking around right now, with severe trauma from their sexual abuse experience.
This is why Men and Trauma focusses on Male Sexual Abuse.
Some other New Zealand-Based Statistics
Only 1 to 5% of male sex abuse crimes are reported
On average, males take 10 to 13 years longer to report sexual abuse than females
Males who have been sexually abused are five times more likely to commit suicide
69% of men in prison for non-sexual offences have been sexually abused.
There's a tendency for Kiwi society to be really flippant toward the topic of male sexual abuse. We look into that on our Myths VS. Reality page.
The statistics you've just read are anything but flippant. They're as serious as a heart attack. Men and trauma not only works toward the recovery of survivors and support for their loved ones - we are also about proactive, grassroots community education.
We are on a mission to educate New Zealanders about the cold, stark truths of male sexual abuse. And about what happens to survivors if they go it alone.
The truth? Recovery is real. Recovery can be yours.
If you're a survivor, or the loved one of a survivor, don't try to go it alone. You don't have to. Reach out to us at Men and Trauma today.