This support group is for those of all ages and genders who have had a loved one take their own life. It may be years since your friend or loved one passed, or it may be more recent. You are welcome here at any time in your journey. In peer group support, we share from our own lived experience and use that as a base to work from. There is a group facilitator who may guide the discussion if needed. You do not have to share in a meeting. You may wish to remain silent, and simply listen. That's OK.
This group is also for "discoverers" of a suicide, who may not have known the person beforehand.
Many of our conversations are free form, and use how we are feeling at that particular time. We also use tools like the Stages of Grief (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross) to understand and help ourselves. We may use ideas from the academic field of suicidology. We prioritise the ideas of those who have personal lived experience of suicide. Tangata whenua, and Pasifika have their own ways of grieving. We honour and support this, and use concepts such as mana, mauri, and wairua, as appropriate. Group members from other cultures, such as Asian cultures are also welcome to share their ways, and we will endeavour to support and honor those.
While the group does not promote a religious point of view, we respect that spiritual ideas, such as those of an afterlife, are important to many. We do not allow evangelism or preaching, but you may share spiritual perspectives if they have helped you, or hindered you.
You may choose whether to attend in person, or on-line; such as zoom etc.
Please contact us if you feel this group may be helpful for you..
This group is for those who have experienced, or are experiencing this to have a place to talk about their situation in complete privacy. You can choose to be in a group of only your own gender if you prefer.
All groups, whether in person or online, have two trained co-facilitators.